Is Technology the Main Driver for Social Change in The World of Work? Or Are We Forced to Believe This? Stefan Green, April 28, 2024April 28, 2024 Over the last 40 years, we have a seen a drastic increase in the use of technology and the advancementsthat have come with it. Hyman (2018) suggests that “we are taught that technological innovation drovesocial change and radically reshaped the world of work.” And this is a popular view that people take ontechnology’s relationship with social change, mainly due to the importance of technology today.However, there is a lot of reason why this narrative is wrong, and why social change is in fact driven bydecisions we make on how to organize our world. Technology accelerates and consolidates socialchange (Hyman 2018). The Theory of Social Shaping of Technology The theory of Social Shaping of Technology (SST) argues that social, organizational and culturalprocesses shape technologies. Technologies do not just have impacts; they are themselves outcomes ofsocial processes. Cowan (1985) suggests that many technologies are abandoned for non-technicalreasons, for example, the gas fridge was technically superior, but the electric fridge had powerfulbackers such as large companies supplying the electric fridge not the gas fridge. This reinforces theargument that technology being the main reason for social change isn’t valid. Technologies are alwaysmediated through particular social settings (Williams and Edge 1996) and social processes must occurbefore it can make an impact. Technology Determinism A mainstream perspective on technology and social change is technological determinism. This theoryviews technology as an autonomous force that causes social and organizational changes. It is anappealing view as it fits well with mechanistic views of organization, which dominate mainstreamthinking, along with the view that all problems can be eradicated by means of technology. Dafoe (2015)suggests how over time social order is becoming more machine like due to people’s insufficientconscious of their technological choices. Which shows how technology can be autonomous due to the“tempo of scientific and technological advance (technological trends) that seems to follow an internallogic” (Dafoe 2015). However, technology determinism tends to treat technology as having its ownindependent existence rather than being the product of human thought and action. Also, it can fail toaccount for the fact that technologies cannot adapt themselves into willing organisations and theimpacts of the same technology can vary across different contexts. Social Change Through The Industrial Revolution An example of social change can be shown through the industrious and Industrial Revolution, wheretechnology consolidated the change and development over these periods. However, the main driverduring this change was the nature of work. During the industrious revolution work and home lifebecame separate, and this changed people’s relationship to work as they no longer controlled how theyworked (Hyman 2018). The industrious revolution “was a necessary precondition for the IndustrialRevolution” (Hyman 2018), due to the important changes that occurred. It led workers under one roofwhere labour was divided and could be supervised, which was a change from people working where they lived, for example at a farm or a shop (Hyman 2018). Hyman (2018) then explains that due to thechanges between people and their work, it allowed factory technology to consolidate the development,and allow for the Industrial Revolution and technological advancements to occur. Hyman assumes that the nature of work was the main driver, and that technological advances were aresult of these changes, however, Wilkinson (2020) presents that some key examples of the forcesdriving change revolve around technological advances. For example, the production of fabrics wasfundamental to Britain’s economic development during the Industrial Revolution, with the organizationof cotton production going from small-scale to a large factory-based industry. The productivity boombegan with some technical devices such as the power loom, which operated firstly through human, thenwater, and finally steam power (Wilkinson 2020). This is a prime example of how technology may havebeen the main driver for social change during the Industrial Revolution. Also, experimentation in the 18thcentury led to advances in metallurgical methods. “For example, a certain type of furnace thatseparated the coal and kept it from contaminating the metal…made it possible to produce largeramounts of wrought iron.” (Wilkinson 2020). Overall, Wilkinson presents a very factual piece of writingthat addresses that technology was a major part of the Industrial Revolution and therefore socialchange. Gig Economy The recent rise of the gig economy has had a great impact on the world of work and is a major socialchange that technology has played a part in. However, it’s worth stressing that the “technology” oftemporary work and the possibility of replacing entire work forces with it existed for years beforecorporations made the decision to start adopting it (Hyman 2018). Also, Shane (2017) suggests that“rigorous scholarly research reveals that the gig economy’s growth stems largely from employers’interest in contract employment”. This supports the argument that technology is not the main driver forsocial change in the world of work, but decisions employers have made to improve their business is.Technology has aided these changes, for example, Uber’s technology is helping to solve the business andconsumer problems of an already insecure work world. Uber is a symptom, not a cause (Hyman 2018). However, Shane (2017) also suggests “the popular perception is that (the gig economy) has been drivenby millennials’ use of online intermediaries like Uber and TaskRabbit”. Which suggests that theintroduction of businesses such as Uber was a main driver in the gig economy social change, and thatother factors weren’t as much of an importance to the rise of temporary work. However, even thoughthese new businesses provide convenience for customers, they were created in a reaction to employers’interest in contract employment, and consumer new consumer wants and needs. To Conclude To conclude, technology is a pivotal part of society and social change and has really helped speed upsocial change such as the Industrial Revolution and is constantly improving the world we live in today.However, I believe that the main driver for social change is the decisions that we make about how toorganize our world, and only then can technology aid the changes and speed up the process. How willyou deal with future social change? Will you make decisions to advance technologies? Or will you letsomeone else do it? References Cowan, R. 1985. The Social Shaping of Technology: How the Refrigerator Got Its Hum. Open UniversityPress.Dafoe, A. 2015. On Technological Determinism: A Typology, Scope Conditions, and a Mechanism.Science, Technology, & Human Values 40(6), pp. 1047-1076.Hyman, L. 2018. It’s Not Technology That’s Disrupting Our Jobs. The New York Times 18 Aug, p. SR5.Shane, S. 2017. What’s Behind the Growth of the Gig Economy? Available at: What’s Behind the Growthof the Gig Economy? – Small Business Trends ( [Accessed: 13 December 2020].Wilkinson, F. 2020. Industrial Revolution and Technology. National Geographic Society 9 January.Available at: Industrial Revolution and Technology | National Geographic Society [Accessed: 13December 2020].Williams, R. and Edge, D. 1996. The Social Shaping of Technology. Research Policy 25(6), pp. 865-899 Innovation Gig EconomySocial ChangeTechnologyWorld of Work