Eddie Stobart: ISO14001 Accreditation Stefan Green, April 28, 2024April 28, 2024 Logistics simply put, is the activity “concerned with the organisation, coordination, andcontrol of the flow of goods through the supply chain” (Smith et al., 2002). Sustainability canbe defined as conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resourcesand damaging the environment (Keiner, 2005). Furthermore, sustainability has become anincreasingly important element for corporate development and service provisioning bylogistics service providers. These firms have a huge social responsibility and beingsustainable offers financial and other intangible benefits as well as it being the right thing todo. Therefore, logistics firms need to follow sustainable practices (Dey et al., 2011). In this blog, a feasibility analysis will be carried out on Eddie Stobart Logistics, as towhether they should get ISO14001 accreditation within the next 1 to 5 years. ISO14001 isthe international standard for environmental management systems and maps out aframework that a company or organisation can follow to set up an effective environmentalmanagement system (Alan Boswell Group, 2021). Eddie Stobart is a third-party logisticscompany, as they provide multiple, integrated logistics services for customers, such as,transporting and warehousing (Maersk, 2022). They operate in the UK and have sites inEurope also. For this assignment, the scope of analysis will specifically be focused on theiroperations in the UK. According to many sources of research (as shown in the appendix), Eddie Stobart have notalready gained accreditation for ISO14001. Commitment to Tackling Environmental Issues To gain accreditation for ISO14001, one thing that businesses are required to show, is acommitment to tackling environmental issues (González‐Benito and González‐Benito, 2005),such as reducing their carbon footprint, using sustainable energy, and producing less waste(Omer, 2008). Eddie Stobart is forward looking in regards to the environment, and have shown theircommitment to tackling environmental issues in many ways. In 2021, Stobart won the “Coop Environmental & Sustainability Warriors Award”, awarded to “the Co-op supplier whohas inspired change and delivered a project that has positively impacted the planet andpromoted best practice” (Eddie Stobart, 2022). This came after Stobart’s active partneringwith the Co-op throughout 2021, with the aim of their joint operations to become moresustainable, specifically through improved carbon efficiency management (Eddie Stobart,2022). According to Niemoller (2019), carbon management is becoming of increasedimportance to businesses due to the benefits it provides both for the environment (throughbetter understanding and usage of carbon) and the business itself (through better brandimage for example). This carbon efficiency management was enforced throughimplementation of specific initiatives which enabled measurement of their environmentalimpact and efficiency, whilst also reducing their carbon footprint (Eddie Stobart, 2022),which will positively affect the current global warming issue (Al-Ghussain, 2019). Also, Stobart made an official commitment to set science-based targets to reduce carbonemissions, and this will provide them with the accountability framework needed to reducetheir carbon footprint. The initiative defines, showcases, and promotes best practice onsetting science-based targets to reduce emissions, and independently assesses andapproves targets set by committed companies (Andersen et al., 2021). Stobart is the firstmajor UK logistics provider to join the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and accordingto their roadmap, are looking to be approved within the next year (Eddie Stobart, 2022). Allof this is evidence that they are making efforts in tackling environmental issues and this istherefore a step in the right direction for ISO14001 accreditation, specifically within the next1 to 5 years. Having said that, there is room for improving for Eddie Stobart in showing theircommitment to tackling environmental issues. Firstly, in 2009, Stobart started using rail totransport goods (McKie, 2009). This was a great initiative to tackle environmental issues (NIBusiness Info, 2019), and it is said that “in a year, one weekly rail trip will stop 8,600 tonnesof carbon being pumped into the atmosphere” (Stobart, 2009). However, according toRailnews (2020), Stobart sold its rail division to a German company, and this was done toconcentrate on air transportation of goods. This therefore is a step in the wrong directionfor Stobart in regards to tackling environmental issues, as a move to air freight from rail will harm the environment due to air freight leaving a larger carbon footprint compared to railand water freight for example (Kennemer, 2020), backed up by figure 1. Figure 1 Source: International Energy Association (2014). Therefore, to move towards gaining accreditation for ISO14001, Stobart should reallyconsider using rail freight instead of road (Stobart’s main transport (Eddie Stobart, 2022))and air, due to the lowered carbon emissions (NI Business Info, 2019). They should alsoconsider using water freight as part of their operations. Even though this type of transportcan take longer, water freight is 99.9% reliable and provides a lower carbon footprintcompared to other transport modes (Cullinane, 2014). This could be implemented by firstlyutilising intermodal transport and then possibly fully changing to rail and water freight in thefuture. Overall, after looking deeper into how Eddie Stobart is showing a commitment to tacklingenvironmental issues, after a few changes to their operations, they should achieveISO14001 accreditation within the next 1 to 5 years. They currently have policies andcommitments in place that show they want to become more environmentally friendly,which is in line with the specific requirements needed to be accredited. Therefore, if theymaintain their current sustainability policies and make changes to their modes of transport(such as a change to rail or water freight from road and air), their operations will be majorlybenefitted in an environmental sense and will aid them in gaining accreditation in the next 5years. Advantages and Disadvantages of ISO 14001 By looking at the advantages and disadvantages of ISO14001, it can be identified whetherEddie Stobart should look to gain ISO14001 accreditation or not, depending on their specificbusiness situation and how the accreditation would fit into their operations. According to Kilburn (2020), a benefit of ISO14001 for logistics companies is that it can makethem more sustainable, more efficient, and more competitive, which consequently canincrease market share. Starting with becoming more sustainable, according to ISO (2015),ISO14001 requires the setting of environmental objectives and targets, and regularmonitoring and measurement of all operational activities, and in turn this improvesenvironmental awareness and minimizes the adverse impacts on the environment (Psomaset al., 2011). An example of this would be for Stobart to set a target to improve thesustainability of transport they use, such as a change from road to rail and sea (which waspreviously stated), while monitoring it. Regarding efficiency, Psomas et al. (2011), also suggests that ISO14001 leads to an“improvement of standardisation in environmental management”. Therefore, managementof environmental matters can remain the same from company to company so long as theyhave accreditation. From this standardised environmental management, efficiency is gainedas there is only one standard to follow, to be considered environmentally friendly. Efficiencyis also gained through the use of sustainable energy (Centobelli et al., 2018), which is in linewith the ISO14001 requirements (ISO, 2015). Overall, if Stobart is to become moresustainable while also being more efficient throughout their business operations, theyshould gain ISO14001 accreditation. This will push them towards furthering their currentsustainable efforts such as their SBTi commitment (Eddie Stobart, 2022). Eddie Stobart is already a large and competitive firm, but as previously stated, Kilburnsuggested that gaining ISO14001 accreditation can make companies more competitive.Chavan (2005) states that many large businesses have already gained accreditation, andlarge businesses are more likely to realise the benefits of it compared to SMEs. An exampleof this is DPD (a competitor of Eddie Stobart) who saw increased revenues after becomingISO14001 accredited. Shown in Figure 2. One competitive benefit of ISO14001 is that itwould provide Stobart with an environmentally friendly brand image (Chin et al., 1999)which is something they struggle to have, being a logistics company that relies on the use ofoperations that release carbon emissions. Also, an improvement in brand image can alsomean an improvement in market and firm performance, as well as gaining a competitiveadvantage (Lopez-Rodriguez). ISO14001 can also show a transition from conventional tosustainable practices which could improve Stobart’s relationship with society (Psomas et al.,2011), which subsequently can improve a company’s market share and profitability (Chin etal., 1999). Finally, Stobart has many large competitors such as DPD, Penske and Wincanton(Owler, 2022), who all have gained ISO14001 accreditation, and Stobart not beingaccredited could be portrayed as a negative by their customers and could compromise theircompetitiveness. Figure 2 Source: Placek, 2022. Now looking at the disadvantages of ISO14001. To gain accreditation, top managementcommitment is needed (ISO, 2015), and there are many cases in the world of business,where there has been struggles of commitment and communication throughout anorganisation (Psomas et al., 2011). Also, according to Marsh (2012), being ISO14001accredited can mean a lack of transparency with environmental targets and audits, as theonly element of it that is made public is the environment policy statement. However, thesetwo issues are already being counteracted by Stobart to some extent. They have showncommitment from top management through policies they have in place and these policiesare open for anyone to see via their website. Policies include the SBTi, and they havereceived awards for their sustainability efforts. Overall, gaining ISO14001 accreditation can be considered a lengthy and expensive process(Turk, 2009), but Eddie Stobart is already avoiding the negatives to an extent. Therefore, intheir case, the benefits of ISO14001 do outweigh the negatives, and they should look to gainaccreditation in the next 1-5 years, and they will operate at a high level if they continue tohave commitment from top management and continue their sustainability efforts. ISO 14001s Strategic Importance for Eddie Stobart’s Business Development For Eddie Stobart’s business development, it can be considered of strategic importance togain ISO14001 accreditation. However, there are arguments that suggest ISO14001accreditation doesn’t hold much strategic importance to Stobart. On one hand, gaining accreditation is of strategic importance to Stobart’s businessdevelopment for many reasons. Firstly, gaining the accreditation is a clear indication thatyour business is engaging in sustainable operations. Sebhatu and Enquist (2007) suggestISO14001 is soon to become one of the most widely accepted environmental standards inbusiness, and therefore, if Stobart were to gain accreditation, their brand image in thebusiness world would improve and therefore create value for the business (Išoraitė, 2018).Stobart already has sustainability goals in place but having this accreditation will makepeople more aware of their environmental approach. Also, as previously stated, manycompetitors of Stobart are ISO14001 accredited and a major reason for a business to gainaccreditation is because a competitor has gained it and shows success (Curkovic and Sroufe,2011). Therefore, they should look to imitate them to not miss out on potential returns(such as DPDs revenues shooting up after getting accreditation in 2019 (DPD, 2022), shownin figure 2), especially as the world is heading more towards sustainability everyday (Kolk,2003). However, on the other hand, ISO14001 accreditation may not be considered of strategicimportance for Eddie Stobart’s business development. They do already have manysustainability policies in place, and pride themselves on this by stating that their “carbonemissions are already 10% lower than the rest of the logistics sector” (Eddie Stobart, 2022).This shows that even without accreditation, companies can still be sustainable. Also,Vanguard Consulting Ltd (2020) state that quality standards (such as ISO9000) are merely aform of control that encourages managers to manage in a way that underminesperformance and damages quality. Vanguard Consulting Ltd (2020) also questioned whyEddie Stobart doesn’t have ISO9000 accreditation, with the answer stating that theybelieved they already had good systems in place and put the customer first. This could bethought in the same way for ISO14001. Nevertheless, even though Eddie Stobart can still be sustainable without the accreditation,gaining the accreditation will accelerate their sustainability policies and provide other futurebenefits (Kilburn, 2020). Therefore, they should gain ISO14001 accreditation as it is ofstrategic importance to their business development. Specifically due to the accreditationbeing widely accepted, subsequently improving overall relations for the business. To conclude In conclusion, after completing a feasibility analysis on the elements above, Eddie Stobartcan gain ISO14001 accreditation and should definitely go for it as the positives do outweighthe negatives. They do currently have sustainability achievements and goals in place (such as the SBTi),that show a commitment from top management to be sustainable. That, along with changesin transport modes (such as using rail and sea more) within the next 1 to 5 years will assureaccreditation on their part. Whether or not they should go for it, depended on the last twoelements researched. The advantages of ISO14001 outweigh the disadvantages mainly dueto the possible improvements in both a sustainable and competitive sense, while Stobartare already counteracting the possible disadvantages. Finally, in a strategic sense, gainingaccreditation makes sense because it provides a clear sustainability strategy that candevelop many facets of Stobart’s business such as being widely seen as a sustainablecompany and keep up with the industry. And that is why Eddie Stobart Limited should getISO14001 accreditation within the next five years. References Alan Boswell Group, 2021. Guide to ISO 14001 and environmental management. Availableat: Guide to ISO 14001 | Alan Boswell Group [Accessed: 22 April 2022].Al‐Ghussain, L., 2019. Global warming: review on driving forces andmitigation. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 38(1), pp.13-21.Andersen, I., Ishii, N., Brooks, T., Cummis, C., Fonseca, G., Hillers, A., Macfarlane, N.,Nakicenovic, N., Moss, K., Rockström, J. and Steer, A., 2021. Defining ‘science-basedtargets’. National Science Review, 8(7), p.nwaa186.Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R. and Esposito, E., 2018. 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